French Prime Minister Edouard Phillipe will speak on Thursday to discuss the next phase in the ‘deconfinement’ and what businesses will be able to open.
Following the easing of the lockdown in most regions of France this month, many businesses have yet to be opened with a whole range of social distancing measures in place for those that have opened this month.
The Prime Minister’s speech is set to address whether businesses like restaurants and bars can reopen, and whether the 100km travel restriction will be eased for certain regions or France as a whole.
The second phase of easing the lockdown should commence on the 2nd June, and France will also have a map of each region that will show the level of coronavirus – which will have a direct impact on what level of restrictions will be in place.
Originally published on the 7th May, the new map will go a step further and include a number of criteria for each department to show a more accurate assessment.
There is concern that because of the 100km restrictions and the requirements imposed on businesses that tourism will not recover during the important summer months. Every year France welcomes more than 80 million tourists, and this year that number is expected to be the lowest in half a century. With so many bistros and restaurants hoping to open, it is unclear whether phase 2 will allow them to or whether more social distancing measures will need to be implemented first before they can open their doors.